The “principle of ordering” [Bestellerprinzip] changes the rules of the game in the market. As of June 1, 2015 , real estate agents are no longer allowed to accept a commission from tenants if the landlord commissions them to let the property. This raises the question for landlords whether to rent out the apartment themselves or to engage a real estate agent. This page lists the main reasons that speak for engaging a qualified real estate agent.

10 reasons why to engage a real estate agent for renting

1. Reliable determination of the market rent

You don't want to overcharge your tenant nor do you want to lose sight of your return on investment. What is too much - what is too little? Is a graduated rent permissible? An IVD real estate agent knows the rent customary in the market in detail. This ensures that you receive the optimal mix of return and satisfied tenants. In addition, your real estate agent pays attention to the legal requirements of the rent cap [Mietpreisbremse], so that you do not encounter any legal problems.

2. Best possible presentation of your real estate

You prefer creditworthy and reliable tenants? Then you also need to address your prospective tenants with professional exposés and high-quality advertisements. Your IVD real estate agent professionally presents your real estate. This includes first-class photos, clean floor plans and complete documentation.

3. Professional advertising

In order to find the perfect tenant, it is often not sufficient to advertise the property through just one medium. Your real estate agent has a lot of marketing experience, knows the best Internet platforms as well as the most relevant print publications, and can also draw on tenant inquiries available to him.

4. Obtaining the statutory energy certificate

The legally required energy certificate must be available for basically every property. The information contained therein must be included in the advertisements. If the energy certificate is missing, your IVD real estate agent will support you in obtaining and fulfilling the obligations according to the Energy Saving Ordinance - which is often less expensive and always less complicated than doing it yourself. Your real estate agent also ensures that all relevant information is included in the advertisement. Incorrect advertisements can constitute an administrative offense, which can be punished with a fine. In addition, the property owner is generally acting irregularly if he or she does not submit an energy certificate during inspection.

5. Execution of inspections

The most interesting tenants are often time-bound due to their jobs. It is often difficult to arrange an appointment with all parties, i.e. previous and prospective tenant. Your real estate agent will be happy to arrange and conduct inspections - if necessary, even outside normal business hours.

6. Credit check

IVD real estate agents check prospective tenants using the tenant self-disclosure form. They can also use credit agencies to find out how a prospective tenant is doing financially. In this way, landlords not only reduce the risk of rent defaults, but also of renting to rent nomads.

7. Preparation of the rental agreement

Which provisions are permissible? The Federal Court of Justice, for example, is constantly revising its case law regarding so-called cosmetic repairs. IVD real estate agents have access to the latest rental agreement templates. Within the limits of the Legal Services Act, your real estate agent will support you in the preparation of the rental agreement. The proper and conscientiously documented handover of the apartment is also part of the services of your IVD real estate agent. In addition, the real estate agent has witness status during the handover of the apartment, in case there are any subsequent disagreements.

8. Preservation of the landlord's privacy

Your real estate agent takes over an important buffer function between you and the interested parties who did not get to rent. This ensures that you are not harassed by further unwelcome calls after renting has been finally concluded.

9. Tax deductibility of the real estate agent's fee

The landlord can deduct the real estate agent's fee in full from his income from renting and leasing as income-related expenses. If the rental income is generated within the framework of a business, the expenses for a real estate agent can be taken into account as business expenses. This significantly reduces the landlord's financial burden.

10. Gain of leisure time

A society becomes successful because of division of labor. Each one assumes the part for what they are trained and what they can do best. Your IVD real estate agent knows the real estate market and the players. Why do you want to sacrifice your scarce free time for the process of letting, if in the end the result is rarely as good as with a professional?

1. Reliable determination of the market rent

You don't want to overcharge your tenant nor do you want to lose sight of your return on investment. What is too much - what is too little? Is a graduated rent permissible? An IVD real estate agent knows the rent customary in the market in detail. This ensures that you receive the optimal mix of return and satisfied tenants. In addition, your real estate agent pays attention to the legal requirements of the rent cap [Mietpreisbremse], so that you do not encounter any legal problems.

3. Professional advertising

In order to find the perfect tenant, it is often not sufficient to advertise the property through just one medium. Your real estate agent has a lot of marketing experience, knows the best Internet platforms as well as the most relevant print publications, and can also draw on tenant inquiries available to him.

5. Execution of inspections

The most interesting tenants are often time-bound due to their jobs. It is often difficult to arrange an appointment with all parties, i.e. previous and prospective tenant. Your real estate agent will be happy to arrange and conduct inspections - if necessary, even outside normal business hours.

7. Preparation of the rental agreement

Which provisions are permissible? The Federal Court of Justice, for example, is constantly revising its case law regarding so-called cosmetic repairs. IVD real estate agents have access to the latest rental agreement templates. Within the limits of the Legal Services Act, your real estate agent will support you in the preparation of the rental agreement. The proper and conscientiously documented handover of the apartment is also part of the services of your IVD real estate agent. In addition, the real estate agent has witness status during the handover of the apartment, in case there are any subsequent disagreements.

9. Tax deductibility of the real estate agent's fee

The landlord can deduct the real estate agent's fee in full from his income from renting and leasing as income-related expenses. If the rental income is generated within the framework of a business, the expenses for a real estate agent can be taken into account as business expenses. This significantly reduces the landlord's financial burden.

2. Best possible presentation of your real estate

You prefer creditworthy and reliable tenants? Then you also need to address your prospective tenants with professional exposés and high-quality advertisements. Your IVD real estate agent professionally presents your real estate. This includes first-class photos, clean floor plans and complete documentation.

4. Obtaining the statutory energy certificate

The legally required energy certificate must be available for basically every property. The information contained therein must be included in the advertisements. If the energy certificate is missing, your IVD real estate agent will support you in obtaining and fulfilling the obligations according to the Energy Saving Ordinance - which is often less expensive and always less complicated than doing it yourself. Your real estate agent also ensures that all relevant information is included in the advertisement. Incorrect advertisements can constitute an administrative offense, which can be punished with a fine. In addition, the property owner is generally acting irregularly if he or she does not submit an energy certificate during inspection.

6. Credit check

IVD real estate agents check prospective tenants using the tenant self-disclosure form. They can also use credit agencies to find out how a prospective tenant is doing financially. In this way, landlords not only reduce the risk of rent defaults, but also of renting to rent nomads.

8. Preservation of the landlord's privacy

Your real estate agent takes over an important buffer function between you and the interested parties who did not get to rent. This ensures that you are not harassed by further unwelcome calls after renting has been finally concluded.

10. Gain of leisure time

A society becomes successful because of division of labor. Each one assumes the part for what they are trained and what they can do best. Your IVD real estate agent knows the real estate market and the players. Why do you want to sacrifice your scarce free time for the process of letting, if in the end the result is rarely as good as with a professional?

Service packages

We as a company rent apartments, houses and commercial spaces in Kaiserslautern, Landstuhl, Ramstein-Miesenbach and the surrounding area to solvent tenants. Since June 2015, the so-called “principle of ordering” applies to renting. This means that in the future, as a rule, the landlord has to bear the costs of the real estate agent. To ensure maximum transparency, you will find below our scope of services and the cost overview concerning renting.

Service package

499 Preis inkl. MwSt.
  • Inspection of the property with expert counseling to increase renting chances
  • Determination of a realizable rent
  • Recording of relevant data
  • Preparation of an exposé including professional photos for professional marketing
  • Online marketing on the relevant pages of the target group and our homepage
  • Approaching prospective tenants and partners in the industry/trade who are already registered with us
  • Extensive credit check of prospective tenants
  • Selecting inquiries according to your requirements
  • Counseling, support and conclusion of the rental agreement

Service package

999 Preis inkl. MwSt.
  • All services of the basic service package
  • Handover of the apartment to the new tenant including preparation of a handover protocol
  • Reading of required meter readings
  • Preparation of the legally required apartment handover certificate
  • Advertisements in daily newspapers
  • Coordination and execution of inspection appointments
  • Minimum rental contract term of 12 months

Individual solutions are of course possible at any time. We will gladly present our service packages to you in more detail in a personal meeting.

Service package

1399 Preis inkl. MwSt.
  • Inspection of the property with expert counseling to increase renting chances
  • Determination of a realizable rent
  • Recording of relevant data
  • Inspection of the property with expert counseling to increase renting chances
  • Online marketing including presentation on our homepage, as well as online marketing on the corresponding platforms of the US armed forces
  • Approaching prospective tenants of the US Armed Forces who are already registered with us
  • Selecting inquiries according to your requirements
  • Coordination and execution of inspection appointments
  • Counseling, support and conclusion of the rental contract with Housing
  • Handover of the apartment to the new tenant including preparation of a “walk through document” of Housing.
  • Reading of required meter readings
  • Preparation of the legally required apartment handover certificate
  • Minimum rental contract term of 12 months

Service package

849 Preis inkl. MwSt.
  • All services of the basic service package
  • Advertisements in daily newspapers
  • Coordination and execution of inspection appointments
  • 12 months rental guarantee (re-renting free of charge within the first 12 months)

Frequently asked questions

In which area do you offer the service packages?

All service packages are offered to the full extent within a radius of approx. 25 km of Kaiserslautern. Beyond the 25 km radius, we offer the Basic service package, provided that pictures of the apartment/house are provided by the landlord.

When is the invoice amount due?

The invoice is only due after the successful letting to your desired tenant.

Who selects the tenant?

It goes without saying that you, as the landlord, decide on your desired tenant. We will provide you with all the necessary information and, if you wish, make recommendations. The final decision about the tenant is up to you - the landlord.